「まったく、完全に」を英語で| completely and totallyの意味・使い方・例文・動画
今回は、「まったく、完全に」と言いたいときに使うイディオムexample を紹介します。
今回は、「まったく、完全に」と言いたいときに使うイディオムexample を紹介します。
completely and totally
completely and totallyは、これからいうこと、特に形容詞(honest,)の前においてを強調する場合に使われます。
例文1 (無生物を主語にとる)
It is completely and totally a disqualification for the high office he seeks.
And what hapens down there is completely and totally tied
例文2 (to be と組み合わせて自己表現)
What do I think is in area 51 to be completely and totally honest?
I gotta give him credit on that and you know what? I want to be completely and totally 100% honest and transparent right now.
you can be totally focused, totally and completely concentrating on what you're doing
4:28 I want to be completely and totally100% honest and transparent right now
completely and totallyは、これからいうこと、特に形容詞(honest,)の前においてを強調する場合に使われます。
例文1 (無生物を主語にとる)
It is completely and totally a disqualification for the high office he seeks.
And what hapens down there is completely and totally tied
例文2 (to be と組み合わせて自己表現)
What do I think is in area 51 to be completely and totally honest?
I gotta give him credit on that and you know what? I want to be completely and totally 100% honest and transparent right now.
you can be totally focused, totally and completely concentrating on what you're doing
I want to be completely and totally
100% honest and transparent right now
what happens down thereの意味と簡単な使い方
down thereは無視するか、そこでと訳す
what do I thinkの意味と簡単な使い方
What do I picture when I picture togetherness?
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